The movie is about relationships, morals, culture, families, riches, and, most significantly, self-decay

The movie is about relationships, morals, culture, families, riches, and, most significantly, self-decay
The movie is about relationships, morals, culture, families, riches, and, most significantly, self-decay

Nebraska is a rare picture depicting white America in Los Angeles these days, but it nails it.This is genuine America documented on film, with its diverse cast, some of them are amateur performers. The American ideal is flipped on its head and punched in the gut, yet at the conclusion of the film, you still believe in its essential values. The monochromatic color scheme of the film lends it a documentary texture and tone, making Woody's narrative appear genuine and authentic.

Film Nebraska Woody Grant

At a time when films with nostalgic and apocalyptic elements are fashionable, Alexander Payne's Nebraska is not just a requiem for an archaic man hoping for preservation, but also a look at culture (or lack thereof) that is fading like celluloid. Perhaps this is why Nebraska - classic road film, was shot digitally and in black and white. Payne, like previous films that revel in obsession, decides to transfer the audience into the ever-fading world of Woody Grant (Bruce Dern) and his trip from Billings, Montana to Lincoln, Nebraska in pursuit of a million dollars he allegedly won in sweepstakes.

Movie: more about the scenario

Nebraska is also reminiscent of American Depression-era films, with its windswept, bleak landscapes and historical figures at a crossroads. Perhaps a very current analogy can be found here with the destitute and forgotten folks that live in this environment and its towns as their economies deteriorate. However, the camerawork reminded me of a past America, one that we have somehow forgotten and ruined.

Criticism of Nebraska movie

The film has garnered favorable reviews, with Rotten Tomatoes giving it a 91 % score based on 176 review scores (mean ± of 8/10) and an average percentage rating from viewers (mean score of 4.1/5). (19,792 votes). Overall, the site gives the picture a favorable grade, with reviewers giving it a "proud rating" and the audience awarding it a "popcorn" rating[9], Internet Movie Database - 8.1/10 (5,444 votes)[4], Metacritic - 86/100 (45 reviews by critics) and 8.0/10 from the crowd (48 votes). Overall, both reviewers and viewers gave the movie favorable ratings on this resource.

Final thoughts

Nebraska is a film that stays faithful to Payne's vision. My only gripe is that the sluggish pace drags, and the scenes you want to savor vanish before you can absorb them. Although the pace lessens the impact of the finale, the film's message remains powerful. Will Forte walked out to the crowd after the screening for a question-and-answer session, where he discussed how he became close to his colleague Bruce Dern, how the part came to him by "happy accident," and how the character is the closest thing he has to a personality. Forte stated that he "doesn't want to quit creating comedy films," but that "the one thing he would not want to do is porn."You know what, I'm not ruling out porn," he remarked.

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Before creation of the film
The movie is about relationships, morals, culture, families, riches, and, most significantly, self-decay